
*Why are the 6 weeks of linkups? Well start here at the WEEK 59 TAN link up and get some explanation! Then follow the links to other colors to find the corresponding link up!
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sponsor Contact Brooke!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finding "Robin's Egg Blue" in this dismal weather has been a challenge. I am a very visual person and I do not own a "Robin's Egg Blue" Crayola. (I could only find a box of 24 here in Istanbul.) I have no real reference to this color, in my minds eye that is. It seemed that the sky was my best model. I shot this picture on the street where I live -- during a brief out break of sunshine. It seemed to bright, so I used "Entropy-5" texture from Shadowhouse Creations ( in overlay mode at 100%, this adjusted the color to what I thought would be acceptable.
Don't forge to link your "Chestnut" photos -- there is still plenty of time to shoot one! I have really enjoyed seeing your posts for this wonderful challenge.
Thanks for stopping by -- Sheryl

Friday, January 28, 2011

Robin's Egg Blue {Shana}

I had several options for Robin’s egg blue but none of them had that “ah ha” moment for me. Wednesday’s the American Women of Istanbul meet for game day and I have been taking a game called Pente. My father-in-law introduced me to the game several years ago and now I have taught it to my friends here in Turkey.  When I opened the little pouches that the pebbles live, my Robin’s egg blue came forth. This was a fun shot and I got to use a few of my new actions. (In which I am in love with!)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Robin's Egg Blue {Natalie}

Hey everyone! Today my mom, sister, and I went to Walmart to get a few things. We went down the Valentine isle and I found this Blue Heart. I love Valentine's Day and rarely see blue not to mention THE perfect color, so of course I had to snap this!
I hope you all are enjoying the colorful photographs as much as we ladies enjoy snapping them. It's been such a fun adventure!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Playing with light {Jeana, Robins Egg Blue}

Well for those of you that know me, you know THE wedding is only 10 days away now and things are getting kinda crazy! I am also a videographer and I am working diligently on the wedding video because my son said "It has to be the BEST video you have ever produced!" (No pressure here!) Anyway, I promise after next week my pictures will be better and a little more interesting! But for this week as I "hunted" for Robin's Egg Blue, I found a box of light sticks and one of them was the color of blue I was looking for and so I decided to play with light. Light always intrigues me and some of time Baffles me, well a lot of the time! So I found my self in the darkest spot in my house (my office closet) seeing what I could do with this light stick and this is what I came up with:

This was a close up of it and I thought interesting because of the way it produced a white in the center and then the color of blue it was out side of that and then the glow was a dark blue....anyone have any reasons why??

Another shot but it retained the blue color on the inside:

This is a little pixelated on the upload but this was at a 1 sec shutter speed and I moved it during the exposure time:

Anyway kinda cool and I will continue my journey into the explanation of light!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Robin's Egg Hunt {Kendall Week 4}

I kind of felt like I was on an Easter egg hunt while I was looking for my color this week.  I went to our local antique store because my husband told me he saw an old camera there that he thought was the exact color and I should go buy it.  I went and I found it.  But it was $23 and it wasn't very cute so I decided to go on a hunt around the store.  Robin's Egg Blue is kind of a vintage color to me so there was definitely plenty at the antique mall! (I took all these photos with my new phone.  The quality is actually pretty good, I think.)

Don't forget we are still taking submissions for your chestnut photos!  I thoroughly enjoy looking at all of you photos.  This has been so fun!


Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 4, Color Revealed

We are three crayons down and starting on our fourth! Can you believe it has already been four weeks! I had totally planned on posting this at midnight last night, but my hubby had to do some homework for school, and being that we only have the one laptop, I had to wait patiently and fell asleep while waiting. I hope the suspense hasn't drove you crazy!

I love this week's color, it's so bright and you want to know what it is? Alright here we go...

I can't wait to see where you find your robin's egg blue, it's such a fun color and one of my favorites! I found my color at the local antique store. Robin's egg blue is also one of the colors in my favorite color I decided to pair my favorite color combination for my photos this week.

My robin's egg color find is actually an old perfume bottle, but I thought it worked quite well as a vase, even if the flower is fake (it's all I had on hand). Well I hope my color find can help inspire you on your hunt for robin's egg blue. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for more robin's egg blue inspiration from Kendall!

The linky for robin's egg blue will open up on Sunday and there is still time to link up your chestnut color find here. Don't forget to check out the pages above, I've added some new ones!

Happy color hunting,

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Chestnut, Week 3

Hi everyone! I'd just like to say that trying to pick a favorite for carnation pink was quite the task! Your pictures were AMAZING! I really love how everyone has the same inspiration but in the end makes it their own! So, after a little back and forth we narrowed it down to two and then to one, so here it is, our favorite from week two!

We loved Cat's carnation pink graffiti! Not only is it an eye catching photo, we loved that she went "out of the box" in hunt for her color. Instead of taking it easy and capturing one of the many girly items that surround her, she went a different route! If you haven't stopped by for a visit over at Cat's blog No Wooden Spoons then head on over and give her some love!

Before we move onto the linkup for chestnut, I'd like let you know about a few changes on the blog. Have you visited our pages up above? If you haven't go check them out! I added a FAQ section, in hopes of answering any questions about the format of the blog and linkups, if you have additional questions please feel free to leave them there. I also added a page to keep a list of our favorites of the week and our monthly winners, just to make it a little easier to find. There is also a page dedicated to those who are participating in our journey through the box, it's a list of our little community here on Project64, go there to add your name to the list, but  make sure to read the directions carefully, it's a one time link up, not the weekly link up. There is a blog buttons page, but I haven't got that far yet, sorry! Just keep using the button at the bottom of the page. Lastly, I added a announcements banner under the pages and above the post area. I'll have the current linkup listed (click on the color to go directly to the page) and the color we are hunting announced.

Well, I think that's it, at least for now...So, how did you like our color inspirations throughout the week? Did they help you on your hunt for chestnut?  We can't wait to see them, so go, link up!

Oh, almost forgot, I decided to reveal the new color of the week on Monday, tomorrow thought it was a little much talking about three colors in one post (our fave from the week before, the link up color and the new color). Just in case you are new here and want to know what the project is all about visit here. If you want to see all the past colors including our current color go here.
Alright, now go and link up your Chestnut inspired photos below and don't forget to come back tomorrow for the new color and the start of week 4!

Now it's your turn to share your color inspired photo with us! As always no fancy camera required and Flickr link-ups welcome!When you link up please use the direct link to your photo and be sure to link back to us!

1. Tiffany  9. My Daily Journey  17. Stephani@Picture Window  25. Jerry  
2. Cat @ No Wooden Spoons  10. Kristin's Notes  18. Sheri  26. Melissa  
3. Claires 365  11. Susan @ Sunflower Status  19. Faith @ Simplicity  27. Christine Edwards  
4. Tammy Lee Bradley  12. I Take Pictures  20. Shannie  28. Joanne  
5. North Fillmore Street  13. Cindy  21. Jen  29. Delores @ Two Sisters  
6. Colleen @ asisproper  14. Norma@Scrappy Grams  22. William  30. Serendipity  
7. mcdougall photography  15. nicolet  23. Sweet & Sour Pickles  31. Angela @ Two Sisters  
8. ArtsyBelle  16. Susan@Happy No Ears  24. Marvett Smith  32. Side by Side  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)