*Why are the 6 weeks of linkups? Well start here at the WEEK 59 TAN link up and get some explanation! Then follow the links to other colors to find the corresponding link up!
My week has been interesting......Had a sledding accident that has left my back less then perfect. I am walking around like a creepy old man. I will say that my husband has gone above and beyond taking care of me. What a blessing he is.
My husband and I stay with his parents when we are home from Turkey and this back injury has kept me home bound and desperately looking for apricot. My father in law and I share the same passion of books. So I was skimming his ever growing collection and found a book that was his as a child and fell in love with it.
I wish someone had recorded me trying to get this shot. It was quite hilarious if I do say so myself.
You still have time to link up for gray. Happy hunting!
When this color came up, I was a little more than distressed! It is definitely not my favorite and I am pretty passionate about it! LOL! But I got up yesterday thinking that I should just go for a walk and look and see what Istanbul has to offer.
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this boat! It was apricot! I shot so many pictures that the fisherman was beginning to worry. I had to get out of there before he charged me! I am so enyoying that I have to get out and find something. It's like a scavenger hunt for me -- requiring me to get out of the box!
To read more about my walk and the whole adventure of yesterday, check out my blog The Altered Passport. Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to post your link Sunday. There is still time for your GRAY links --
---- Sheryl
Happy Valentines Day!
This is a selection of a tile porch from Ephesus! And it is Apricot!
Hey y'all! When I first heard of the color choice I thought, "hm that could be challenging." Boy was it ever! I searched high and low all week for apricot. As I was practicing piano I happened to notice this. Now I practice everyday and see this as I practice so you can imagine my surprise when I realized how close it was to the color. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for following us on our colorful endeavor. We all enjoy it so much! Have a great weekend!
The poll is closed and all the votes have been tallied! But first I wanted to remind you about a few things...
We are having a catch up day! Yay! I know a lot of you just joined us and didn't get a chance to share the first few weeks of colors, so now is your chance! Plus, if you have been wanting to participate and have yet to do so because you feel you are behind, you have your chance to start at the beginning! Check out details here and invite your friends to play along!
If you are a participant and link up with project64 add your name and link to your blog or flickr photostream on our participant list! Our participant list lets everyone know who is playing along and gives them a direct link to you!
If you haven't familiarized yourself with our blog, take some time to do so, learn more about project64's colorful contributors, grab buttons and checkout our sponsors!
Speaking of sponsors, we are still looking for vendors/artist to sponsor some of our monthly giveaways! We already have some great sponsors and I have one lined up for month four that I hope to post soon! Next month's giveaway will be sponsored by one of our participants, Cat at No Wooden Spoons and her fabulous etsy shop!
Our first monthly giveaway {don't worry, I'm almost on to the winner} is sponsored by none other than me! While I have been busy trying to build and start a portrait photography business, my true passion is photography as art! I've always wanted to own my own gallery and shop and recently I've made it one step closer and I am now selling my prints and digital art work at RedBubble! So head on over an check out my shop, I even have a vintage camera t-shirt available!
This month the lucky winner will receive one of my images on a Fracture print! A Fracture is a very cool product and super reasonable and great for gifts, it is a one piece picture and frame made from printed glass and ready to mount on your wall. If you haven't heard about Fracture go check them out!
Ok, ok its time to announce the first winner at Project64: Out of the Box! Are you excited? I am!
While the polls were close, there was a definite winner......
Artsybelle's chestnut inspired photo from week three! Congratulations Artsybelle! Thank you for always linking up with Project64, we love seeing your work each week!
Contact me Brooke at martin4_photography {at} yahoo {dot} com with your contact information to receive your prize! You can also grab a button for your blog!
Well, I guess that is it for today! Well, from me at least...be sure to check out ALL the post from today and be on the look out for Natalie's apricot find! Thank you to all of you! You all are great and very supportive to each other and to us. We have enjoyed having you play along with us and seeing your beautiful photos each week. We hope you continue to follow along!
Don't forget you can still post your Gray photos until Saturday and the link up for Apricot will open up on Sunday! Also, be sure to leave ArtsyBelle some love! Happy Hunting and keep up the good work!
Well, this has been an interesting week to say the least...Record snowfall, my son's wedding (finally!), more snow and APRICOT! But I made it through it all...at least I think I did! Not so sure about the apricot thing but as I cleaned my house after the family weekend mess, I looked for apricot things and this is what I came up with!
I used to collect carousel's of all kinds and this one caught my eye as I was thinking about this weeks color. I would never have thought this to be apricot but it was as close a match to the crayon as I could find!!
Happy hunting everyone! Keep your pics coming. We enjoy looking at everyone's "vision" for the weeks color.
Hello photog friends! I really didn't love this color choice...but I know there will be weeks and weeks of colors that are not my favorite since we do have sixty-four colors! I love orange, but apricot? Not so much. I was complaining to the Sheryl, Brooke, Natalie, Shana, and Jeana that I had no idea what I was going to photograph and as I was typing my complaint, it came to me!
This beautifully funky, awesome necklace was made by my very dear sweet friend Cindy. She just started a blog and I would love for you to visit her here. I took her several charms I had, but the main one, which you can't really see well in this picture, is the face of a watch my great-grandmother gave me before she passed away. I don't typically wear gold, so Cindy mixed some bronze, silver, and gunmetal together and I love it!
I am l-o-v-i-n-g all of your gray entries. You guys rock! I want to give a little love to Larissa over at Adventures of Matthew and Larissa. I love how she added the crayon to her photos and the colors are spot on! Great job.
I look forward to what you all find this week for this not-so-fab color.
Today I spent most of the day viewing your gray colored photos, which are great by the way, but as I viewed many of them, I noticed that many of you recently found us and while you are playing along with our current colors, I see that you still want to go through and complete our past colors. I think this is great and encourage any of you who have just found us to go ahead and go back and capture what you have missed! I also want you to know that you don't have to go back and capture the colors you may have missed, we want anyone to join us at any point of our colorful journey.
But if you happen to be one that wants to have a full box crayons at the end of the journey I thought it would be nice to have a link up to show us your collections! Now this will not be a participant list...which we do have, so if you have not added your name/blog/photostream to the list please do, that way we know who is playing along!...it will be a link up to share your collection! Giving those who have just joined us or those of you who have been following us but missed a few weeks a chance to share the weeks you have missed and were not able to linkup. As always, there is only one entry per person/blog and the link you add must be the DIRECT link to a flickr set or blog page dedicated to ONLY Project64 photos, no other photo challenge photos may be included (if you used a Project64 photo for another challenge simultaneously then this ok, because it's still a Project64 photo). You must also link back to us and/or include our button. If the guidelines are not followed then I will have to delete the links
So when is this link up you ask? I will open up a linky on Monday February 28th, 2011...giving everyone time to catch-up and spread the word about our catch-up day. This will also give everyone time to get their collections in order!
If you have any question about this link up please leave them in the comments section so we can address them before the day of the link up!
Sorry guys for posting this so late! I thought I'd watch a movie with my hubby after the boys went to bed instead of blogging. Normally I would of stayed up after the movie, but I was one tired mommy after a weekend of sick little boys and snow shoveling! Anyway, your here to see the new color you will be hunting this week ...It was a tricky one for me, I hunted everywhere and wouldn't you know I found it right under my nose! Well, more like right in front of me, I was cooking dinner and pondering about all the places I could find this color and when I looked up it was staring back at me.
I found the color hiding in a bowl full of seashells that we had taken home from the beaches of the Carolina’s. We were actually visiting the family of our colorful contributor Natalie; we had brought them home as little mementos of our travels and good times with family!
While the color of the week is slightly lighter than my finds, you can find all shades of the color in my shells, from light to dark. Plus there are shades that match the wrapper as well as the shade found in the actual crayon…I also got a chance to use my new micro filters for these shots and I always love the chance to try out new toys! So amidst all the snow, I found the color hiding in the memories of warm sunny beaches!
Good luck hunting for the color of week 6, the pale creamy color of apricot! Hopefully while searching you run into some fun memories or get a chance to learn a new skill or improve you photography! Afterall that is what this project is all about, having fun, learning and improving though practice!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for more Apricot inspiration and on Thursday for the reveal of our monthly winner! You can vote for your monthly favorite until Wednesday at midnight and link up your Gray photos until Saturday!
So we are four weeks down and we can't wait to see what you guys came up with for week five! Can you believe we are starting our second month of this project? That means its time for a monthly winner!
But first, our favorite for week four, the week of robin's egg blue...even though some of you expressed having a hard time finding our color of the week, you guys came up with some great pictures! You sure do not make it easy to pick a favorite!
This week's favorite can be found in a photostream full of beautiful pictures...
The beautifully captured needles and skein from Marvett Smith, a great use of texture and light with a soft cozy feel! Great work!
Now that we officially have four favorites of the week we can pick a monthly winner! Yay! Well, you all get to pick a monthly winner! All the ladies of project64 thought all our fans should get a chance to shout out their favorites! Just in case you need a refresher of the past weekly winners here they are:
Do you have a favorite? Great, go ahead and vote for it! We will keep the polls open until Midnight on Wednesday and announce the winner Thursday! After you vote keep on scrolling down and link up your week five gray inspired photos! Oh, I almost forgot this month's giveaway is sponsored by me! We have some great sponsors lined up for you so make sure you submit a photo each week! Every four weeks the weekly winners will be entered in the monthly giveaway to be picked by you...now go ahead and vote!
Now for the link up! How did gray treat you? Did you go gloomy or did you show the pretty side of gray? Go ahead and show us!
As always no fancy camera required and Flickr link-ups welcome!When you link up please use the DIRECT LINK/POST containing your photo, if posting multiple pictures designate the one you are submitting and be sure to link back to us!