I have been collecting orange for awhile. Every time I would see it I would take a picture in anticipation of this week. I actually went through a spell where I was thinking it was the greatest color out there! I know, go figure!
A couple of months ago a friend and I went to the Island of Patmos, Greece. I took this picture on the ferry boat that left from the Island of Samos. Three plus hours later, we arrived at Patmos. Needless to say, three hours on this type of bench -- I was ready to be sitting somewhere else. It was a great place and I will gladly do it again sometime.
These are some of the fresh peaches at a local Pazaar. I really couldn't believe that they were so perfect, they looked fake.
Thanks for stopping by -- sorry about missing last week, I hate it when that happens!
See you next week and you won't want to miss it! Sheryl