
*Why are the 6 weeks of linkups? Well start here at the WEEK 59 TAN link up and get some explanation! Then follow the links to other colors to find the corresponding link up!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cadet Blue {Kendall}

Hello P64 friends!  How are you today/tonight/this week?  School starts this week for us so I have been cramming in last minute things.  My oldest son is going to be in 4th grade and my youngest will be in Pre-K.  I am not sure I am ready for my baby to be in school.  I almost cried when I saw his name on his classroom door at Meet the Teacher night.  It made it all too real!

Cadet blue seemed like a weird color to many of the colors do, but my find jumped out at me almost immediately.  I love when that happens!  I got a new 50mm lens today so I had fun playing with it.  I think I love it!

I found this and two other coffee cans in my great-grandmother's attic about ten years ago.  I just knew they were going to be filled with money or something important when they were the only thing in the attic...but alas, they were empty.  I treasure them anyway.  I love the colors!  

I hope your Cadet Blue jumps out at you too!

Have a wonderful week.


  1. I love vintage tins, no matter what they've held!

  2. The vintage boxes with the vintage look is simply fabulous! Love the paint tubes.

  3. I love those cans - I would have thought "money" if I had found seen them too! Congratulations on your new lens-- I think that is the funnest! See you soon --

  4. OH beautiful cans!!! Such a great find.
