
*Why are the 6 weeks of linkups? Well start here at the WEEK 59 TAN link up and get some explanation! Then follow the links to other colors to find the corresponding link up!
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Sunday, February 13, 2011

technical difficulties

Sorry guys, I am having technical difficulties with the linky tool, currently I am in the car on our way to a 1st birthday party, but hope to have everything ironed out and ready to go tonight! Sorry for the delay!


Apparently linky tools is having hosting issues, so as soon as they get everything straigtened out on their end I will open the linky! Thank you all for being patient! Well, the laptop battery is almost dead and we are a few minutes from our destination, hope to see your wonderful apricot photos soon!

Thanks Brooke


  1. Someone told me that linky tools is now charging people to use it?

  2. Yes they do, you are right, however I do have a year subscription to the linky tools. Apparently they are having hosting issues, so as soon as they get everything straigtened out I will open the linky! Thank you all for being patient!

  3. We' ll wait :)

    No worries, this is a fun project,nothing to be stressed about!


    Becky@ My Daily Journey
